Through access to a large number of articles and scientific research-and that deals with the human health,
Especially in the areas of electromagnetic radiation damage EMF, show a growing concern to everyone as a result of the expansion of research and specialization and proliferation of the world from the International Radiation Protection ICNIRP, the World Health Assembly, WHO, and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration in America), the magazine Research in radiation radiation research, the journal Nature and nature and the sciences avenir magazine of science and the future site ned scape on the Internet and Occupational Medecine ... And so on. And a lot and I am not going enumerated here, tells me that suffer from lack of knowledge of the dangers of several serious harm our health and general health of our children and our proximity to them and imperative-day dealings with them, such as mobile and home electrical appliances, and here in this article I will refer to the cause of these risks and what to do to reduce the harm, and knowledge assets to deal with and live beside them.
To understand the damage must identify the two main issues:
First: how cells in our bodies (Krone science, biology) and learned reflection (Rivleksologia) According to the theory of Akovski, which may be summed up in three sentences (life arising from the radiation. Life goes on radiation. Life destroyed by the imbalance of frequencies) and the Dr. Ludmila CAZENAC, a specialist in Flag Rivleksologia and Alkronoubeyologia of Hospital No. 23 Russia (that the body is working closely amazing life is based on the rhythms and reveal the accounts and scientific experiments on the numeric codes and rhythmic owned by the organism is slow frequencies in different organs of the body and all the double frequency and gives the frequencies of known frequencies harmonious with the increased speed and Ttoulha blood vessels depending on the length and diameter up to the micro-frequency performance up to the cells).
Therefore, this disease is a bug rhythms and healing is (reset these rhythms and correct) (Dr Blenkov Hospital 23 Russia) stomach, for example, are strongly frequency 0.034 Hz and 0,064 Hz intestine strongly ... And so on until the end of the sentence nerve and brain.
If the problem is the vulnerability of our bodies to this radiation, and absorb them and that you log in to all the organs of the body, causing psychological problems and trauma of the protein of living cells, and heating of the fabric of the neighborhood adjacent to this radiation, weakness, fatigue, forgetfulness, lack of sleep and sexual impotence, memory loss and various cancers, through the introduction of disorder to Frequency biological organs of the body and the end of the sentence nerve and brain diseases, leukemia (blood cancer), especially when children are at greater as the resistance less than three times that of adults.
Some might say: (but some of these types of cellular devices with a very low rate of radiation) .. This is true, but nevertheless cause a large amount of headaches and disturbed by the sense that it would send radiation toward the cheek, which sends more towards the ear, but for the low level of radiation to broadcast stations must be measured in the maximum left when taking into account all the fractures around the station have been surprised as they did in France (Paris and its suburbs), where the world-Claude Meishan measurements (number appeared September 2000) sciences avenir magazine of science and the future of the French electric fields (one of the indicators by which to know the power of radiation), at approximately 15 apartments in Paris and the Paris suburbs, all located near one cell or intermediate stations on the upper floor of a building set on the roof of one of the antennas, has surprised everyone when he found that the results exceed in many cases the figures announced by the companies, According to France Telecom does not exceed the emissions that sends the antenna, even in the most housing closer to 0.05 volts per meter, but the measurements made by the expert, the number of rooms and surfaces has shown that this emission ranging between 5 - 10 volts, more than the 10 - 20 times as advertised, was out by experts from France Telecom not believe so , when I asked them liberation newspaper on the subject after publishing an article considered the news that these levels are impossible and non-existent (the book deadly threat to Jean-Pierre Lantian).
What should we also know that radio waves or Hertzian waves came to open a new era of communication, led to a rapid spread of electromagnetic radiation, where these waves to the dimensions of a large tanker with a lot of energy that can be absorbed by living tissues, especially bands that are more rapid and more powerful and more accessible, such as waves microwaves microwave Whenever the wavelength short wave was the most energy. When confronted these organisms get energy phenomenon of absorption by the cell and the tissues of the body to capture this energy, in particular water molecules in the body that fade through its transformation into heat, and with respect to the relatively slow-wave (long wave and medium wave), this phenomenon does not occur unless waves were very strong and if you are very close to the transmitter, it would suffice to cross the body without interacting with it.
With regard to frequency, higher-speed (short-wave, micro-waves), the absorption by the cells is, however weak, the strength of these frequencies. In fact, the effect of Hertzian waves such as AM and FM radio waves, VHF, UHF television is not nothing compared to the microwave, such as microonde, microwaves, which are, in their ability to penetrate into the tissues, and are hurt by the damage which occurs through various mechanisms, especially DNA damage nuclear program. Most of these mechanisms are not known, and the weakening of the immune system, and here we note that damage DNA and a weak immune system can lead if they met to cancer, but for children, the report published in Britain on 11 May 2002 and commissioned by the Secretary Tessa Joel came by (everything indicates that the child's brain absorbs a quantity of radiation is larger than the adult brain because the skull of the child smaller, more delicate bones and less resistance, and tissue and brain cells in a state of growth, and therefore be both more able to edit and absorption of radiation and more sensitive to the aggression carried out by the waves).
Second: The second issue that must be known after seeing the mechanism of our body is the issue of human reflection, just as light waves are reflected in the mirror, the wave of radioactive and microwave relapse after hitting the various types of metal structures Kalshbabec, frameworks and external iron stairs .. Pierre says Laurie, an expert in the area of France retired military studies on the microwave, if these elements can be based mineral Bozivpalirsal negative and increase the power of radiation, is a result of the meeting of multiple items, According to Bill Kerry, a New Zealand expert on electromagnetic waves can occur antenna change factors affecting the strength of waves Valhakol low frequency and power emitted from home or from a radio or television can increase in the power of waves to a distance of several kilometers has been published Kerry measurements show that the strength of waves emitted by the stations of the mobile phone has more than doubled, including between 6 - 10 times by the radio broadcast on medium wave for after 6 kilometers, and therefore only that the power of waves Kerry must be weak, to the maximum extent permitted by the technical capabilities of the proposed The figures are 0.1 volts per meter square in a certain area and this figure is less b 10000 times of the standards adopted in Western countries, but the question remains whether there are non-thermal effects of the waves .. They exist as we know, there is no something that will guard them, and here I say to everyone's attention ... The attention of ... The attention of ... What if the cell phones of these devices dear to the hearts of all that has become part and parcel of our daily lives, that we give to our heads, time bombs millions of tumors occur in the brain within 10 years?
We have become exposed to radiation far more than Bmiti million times greater than those that were exposed to human pre-electric age, but this should not be reason to fear, but should spur us on to knowledge and research of the facts and work here so I get some of the scientific advice process for the peaceful coexistence between us and this Hardware Alambtp to such radiation fields and adverse public temper of these damages, which are needed.
Tips that should be followed to minimize these risks:
First: in the home - electrical appliances and electric field:
1 - you should know exactly what is the status of your home or office, or anywhere go on a long time where we must measure the specific device by magnetic and electric fields in different positions in all rooms with a preference to be so different hours of the night and day (must use an expert in this area), in the house and away from transmission lines, transformers, large, and also in the absence of stray currents or bad installation of wires in the ground and so there is always a source of electric fields, all the electrical wires connected to small electrical fields transmitted even when these devices non-functional, and wires that provide power to operate the machine or in a state of readiness to work standby transmitted in addition to electric fields, magnetic fields and under normal circumstances does not exceed one Mellegos magnetic field is an acceptable level, but we find much larger fields near some electrical appliances, as follows, for example, some figures on household Bojhzatna common values that are taken about 15 cm of them.
Example of this machine, electric razor, where its range between 100 - 600 Mellegos and vacuuming between 300 - 700 Mellegos and hair-dryer 300 - 700 Mellegos and electric can-opener from 600 to 1500 Mellegos and chainsaws from 100 - 1000 Mellegos In the list of less serious, ranging from 100 - 200 Mellegos find the washing machine and electric drill and Algelaip and photocopiers, heaters, lamps, wall-radioactive (fluorescent) fluorescent In the category of weaker fields that are not more than 50 Mellegos we find the electric furnace and the preparation of coffee, fridge and a toaster and iron and radio cassette hi-fi, fax, radio, alarm clock and television and the computer.
These numbers may sound scary if we know that the increasing risk of injury to children starting from 3 Mellegos but this happens in case of permanent radiation such as a high-tension lines or cables buried in the ground or in the fixed cellular base stations where the radiation are on a 24-hour all corners of the house In the household electrical equipment from the moment the move away from a distance of one meter by most of the magnetic fields down to below 2 Mellegos and, of course, the use of these devices is not only for a short period and the bad influences do not appear only as a result of exposure to the fields of durable and long-term .
2 - We must focus our attention on some specific cases Kalkmpiotr screen television and video games, sometimes we were accompanied by several hours each day and X-ray devices that send waves of fields ranging from 50 - 60 hertz electricity supply will also be sent as radio waves measured strength at 1 MHz, and the waves stronger whenever the screen is wider and increases its strength on the aspects of the device and what is behind him in front of the screen (and this is what many people do not know). And magnetic fields that do not stop the barriers that can reach about 30 cm from the device to more than 10 Mellegos should be taken into account in the offices that use lots of computers and where the worker to sit directly behind the office neighbor.
3 - It should also not be on the back of your TV is located adjacent to the wall behind one of the bedrooms, especially children's room safe distance on both sides of the computer screen or TV and start on the left after 120 cm.
4 - When the screen to face the basic rules required to stay away from 4 - 5 times the Qatar screen.
5 - The flat panel monitors and notebook computers pose fewer problems because the magnetic fields, which aired less than three times but the electric fields roughly equivalent to the regular field devices, which means that (beware) remains necessary.
6 - The bedroom, where people spend a significant portion of their lives is certainly a place that should closely monitor the Valradio alarm sends a magnetic field varies depending on the brand and can not pay attention to would, but some types of radiation transmitted up to 10 Mellegos at a distance of 30 cm so Reserve not supposed to be sleeping with a clock radio near where the head should be kept a distance meter and a half, a distance that enables you to see the numbers of time (alarm) with all comfort and to hear the alarm clock to wake up is necessary.
7 - electric blankets and towels should be avoided completely extinguished when going to sleep or be separated from the power supply should also avoid heating system ground-based electrical wires that are installed inside the concrete floor of the houses Valhakol magnetism generated by the system of tens (Almellegos) in each room.
8 - must reserve of light bulbs radioactive (Neon) (fluorescent) and those in the halogen send it to magnetic fields more than 20 times the fields that send ordinary light bulbs, in the case of ordinary houses are far enough and does not constitute a danger In some offices, hotels Sometimes the roof and full of care must be taken.
9 - For those who live near high-tension lines and very high, or live near the transformers that are within the large metal boxes next to the walls of buildings, it is best to avoid the proximity of residence and taking safe distance of 200 meters, at least for very high tension and 100 meters for high tension transformers within metal funds, because high-tension lines occur, especially when the weather is humid, the so-called impact of coronary and this effect is an electrical bursts in the air cause Baloziz spam, which is often what we hear under those lines, and these fluxes are shipped air molecules with electricity (Twinha), and those ions any charged particles that can act as the nucleus of an atom to attract fine particulate Alrvemat call them, and pay those molecules to stick to particles larger then washed the air and carrying them to distances far from the fonts in some cases and the calculations show that 20% of Alrvemat come near the lines of tension higher at an altitude of stature equal to the rights, the impact of Alrvemat can be very strong, about 200 meters from the fonts, and can be maintained even after several kilometers depending on the direction of the wind, on the other hand, it is known that electrically charged Alrvemat absorbed by the lungs more easily, and therefore within the blood before reaching Amman in the spinal cord, ie, where to start leukemia (blood cancer) to appear.
Hanshaw says that the high-tension lines annually causes the death of 8 persons leukemia children and 14 people skin cancer and 400 people with lung cancer and many thousands of people illnesses linked to air pollution and respiratory diseases such as allergies and asthma cases difficult, in addition to $ 900 a nervous breakdown and 60 suicides (of the Book of deadly threat ).
10 - For the cellular intermediate stations (antennas themselves on the rooftops) must not be less than 300 to 500 m accordance with the standards in Australia.
According to the study on the health of people living near transmitters for cellular. For. B. R. Santini. C. M. Danz, B. I Ross, M. Saigon, at the National Institute of Applied Sciences - Laboratory of bio-chemistry department Alvarma Kologi Louis Pasteur, 20 Avenue Albert Einstein, 6962 Villa panini. France. 18 showed a medical non-specific.
Some symptoms such as dizziness, loss of appetite and bug eyes and difficulty in movement is frequent, about 10 meters, such as fatigue, headaches, sleep disorder, which was verified on a good distance from broadcasters, as there is no significant changes in percentage terms for the change of distance, whatever the measurement of electromagnetic fields to nearby stations show low intensity of the fields with distance, we might expect that the sensitivity of the rights of electromagnetic waves, such as increasing the distance from the broadcasters, had no effect on symptoms of the distance of more than 200 - 300 meters and also similarly, the level of electromagnetic fields around the broadcasters will not be a true representation of the level at which people will be exposed to the truth, the criteria for different level of intervention for the transformation of the variable and the variable intensity of broadcast such as the number of calls arising from the moment of measurement and the implications of electromagnetic waves.
This is for electric appliances and electric fields As for the radio waves or Hertzian waves, which came to open an era of communications Bobwabh very broad, leading to the spread of uninterrupted Alnzirvinha not subject to the same laws governing the electric grid fields These waves up to a much greater extent and carry with them a lot of energy and the the ability of tissues to absorb much larger, what constitutes harm to human health and the most controversial band waves are the most rapid and the most powerful, most accessible, a microwave microwaves.
All the hopes attached to the overall absorption of the danger of present and future, which is increasing every day, as I said an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure if not too late, as we know that cancer and leukemia did not appear until many years after the initial vulnerability to human cells and I'd like very much with I very surprised about all embrace our people, exit of a train derailed and the deaths of 31 people led Britain to develop a plan for the protection of train accidents Ptalakafp billion pounds.
The single event of the Concorde caused the suspension of the entire Concorde fleet for months and here we are with electricity, the truth interfaces for the cellular and rules in a very similar, and within a century we will look for power lines and stations as a manifestation of the excesses of the twentieth century'll wonder for future generations .. How allowed to happen
Tips that? ..
Tips to reduce the risk of
Mobile and microwave
1 - not to put Mobile on the head when the device rings, especially during the first seconds of the call, because the waves would then be the maximum strength.
2 - monitor the conditions of transmission is often Tertsm visually on the screen of mobile reception Fsr lift force radiological device sends a rate of 100 times or more.
3 - should not use cellular devices in places narrow and closed and in which the minerals that help to reflection waves of very small (Workshops - plants ...).
4 - must be reduced dramatically from the use of phones in the car is the perfect place for reflection signal from the body through the metal.
5 - do not put the mobile on the waist, it affects the sensitive organs Kalklitin and ovaries and testicles and down the digestive system.
6 - Not put in a pocket near the chest, the radiation will harm the bronchi and lungs.
7 - the best places are the handbag, backpack and a bag of papers and a jacket pocket, where it is in flux.
8 - must change the position of phones in the home or office It allows to reduce the cumulative impact on one member.
9 - not to sleep at night near Mobile because of its negative impact on the eye and the electrical activity of the brain and would prefer not to put bedroom because of its cumulative effect.
10 - The use of headsets increase the amount of radiation to the three and a half times, to the presence of a narrow strip running from the device to the headset, which sometimes works as an antenna are issued for large radiation force enveloping the entire flesh of any full areas should in principle be protected.
11 - The use of Bluetooth headset over the area adjacent to the radiation directly Putting Mobile at the ear directly affects the area of 6 square centimeters around the ear while Bluetooth is both the head and drown in order to receive and transmit large area around the ear Bluetooth.
12 - The most important advice which I would recommend him personally for all is by using a normal phone whenever it is available.
الثلاثاء، 13 أكتوبر 2009
Through access to a large number
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